Monday, June 29, 2015

summer blues

It's the possibility of having a dream come true
that makes life interesting.
~ Paul Coelho

Coming home from a small gathering on Friday night,
I saw this sky and had to stop.

No one was at the bridge...a first, to be sure.
I quickly grabbed a few shots.
And then a few more.

This image was captured at the tail end of the Blue Hour.
This is the time around sunrise/sunset when the sun is well below the horizon
and the remaining light is of a blue hue.
Shooting with your camera set to daylight white balance gives good results,
or try a fluorescent option for some creative blues.

I felt I needed a wider angle lens to get the shot I was envisioning.
This will be a good placeholder until that happens.

Fuji XT1 ISO 250 f/8.0 1/30 XF18-55mm

Friday, June 26, 2015

peace train

Oh, I've been smiling lately
Dreaming about the world as one
And I believe it could be
Some day it's going to come.
~ Cat Stevens

We saw this train graffiti on our way home the other evening.
We turned the car around, I quickly grabbed my camera 
and ran across a 4 lane highway to capture the shot.
As luck would have it, the train began to move.
I literally fired off one shot, then proceeded to chase after the train...
...shooting all the while.

I lost the race.
But I got this one image.
It just takes one.

I love graffiti. And I especially love graffiti on trains.

Peace out.

Fuji XT1 ISO 3200 f/4.0 1/50 XF18-55mm

Monday, June 22, 2015


You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.
~ Rabindranath Tagore

It has been a long time since I last posted here.
A very long time.

It's time to start afresh.
It's time to stop staring at the water.
It's time to begin the crossing
into becoming a real photographer.

This image was captured near sunset - at the blue hour - on the boardwalk 
at Longbeach, WA. The blue hour has quickly become one
of my favorite times of day to photograph.
The very shallow depth of field (f/1.2) made this image dreamy,
and using a fluorescent white balance enhanced the blueness.
Just as I wanted.

Thank you for stopping by!
If you're new here and are interested in seeing
what has been happening 
between my last post and this one,
you can check out these sites:

my whimsical pixel photography Facebook page
my 500px page and portfolio

Canon 5DMkII ISO 200 f/1.2 1/800  EF 50mm f/1.2L